Saturday, November 30, 2019

Stage Fright free essay sample

Standing in the center of the gym, listening to the crowd cheering and clapping, I was terrified. I could see my parents, anxiously waiting in the crowd, wondering how this would turn out. The judges stared expectantly, waiting for me to start my routine. My breathing started to come faster and faster and I fidgeted nervously, trying to take my mind off what I was about to do. Right before I was about to begin my routine, my coach gave me a few last words of encouragement, â€Å"Just think about how many times you have practiced this, just relax. You can do it.† When I started gymnastics, I had already made up my mind that I never wanted to compete. I was frightened of performing in front of an audience and judges. I was a perfectionist, and did not want to mess up in front of a crowd. Even outside the gym, I never volunteered to give presentations, and rushed through my speeches when I was forced to give one. We will write a custom essay sample on Stage Fright or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When I finally reached a competitive level at the age of ten, my coaches gave me an option: compete a few meets during the year or wait until the next season to start competitions. I immediately chose to wait until the next year because I wanted to put off having to go to a meet and be the center of attention as long as possible. When the first competition of the season came, I hoped all week that it would be canceled. At the meet, instead of focusing on the routines I had practiced, I stared at the number of people watching from the bleachers, but as I began my routine, I forgot about the crowd and judges. I fell in to the familiar repetition of what I did in practice. I realized that competing was not as bad as I thought it would be and that I actually enjoyed showing off everything I had worked on all year at the gym. After that meet, gymnastics made me realize that I needed to confront my fears. The rest of the season I was still nervous at every competition, but I began to enjo y performing. Slowly I began to smile during my floor routine, or remember the little corrections on uneven bars. I became more comfortable trying to do everything as best I could, instead of just going through the motions just to get it over with. Getting over my fear of being the center of attention helped me with my gymnastics, but also it helped me with what I did outside of the gym. At school, while giving an English speech, I waited my turn nervous, but confident that I would do well. The more presentations I had to do, the less anxious I became. Because I overcame my fear of performing in front of an audience, I learned that if I confront my fears, they would eventually go away.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Corrosion Audit essays

Corrosion Audit essays 5.Life of a material and remedies provided Corrosion is the electrochemical deterioration of a metal because of its chemical reaction with the surrounding environment. While new and better materials are continuously being developed, this progress is offset, in part, by a more aggressive operational environment. This problem is compounded by the fact that corrosion is a complex phenomenon. It can take many different forms and the resistance of materials to corrosion can drastically change with only a small environmental change. Corrosion is most often thought of as a slow process of material deterioration, taking place over a significant period of time (examples being general corrosion, pitting, exfoliation, etc.). Other forms of corrosion degradation can occur very quickly, in days or even hours, with catastrophic results. These forms (such as stress corrosion cracking, environmental embrittlement, and corrosion fatigue) depend on both the chemical and mechanical aspects of the environment and can cause catastrophic structural failure without warning. Some of the data of losses due to corrosion follows. In the United Kingdom the Paint Research Association has estimated that metallic corrosion costs developed countries some up to four per cent of gross national product (GNP) annually. In the UK this would equal about 30 billion. In the United States, various reports put the cost of corrosion slightly higher at four to five per cent, equating in that country to about US $300 billion, of which it is claimed that around one-third could be prevented. In India approximately 5% of the GDP is lost due to corrosion, of which again it is claimed that around one-third could be prevented. CORROSION AUDIT: There is no clear definition of corrosion audit. It mainly contains inspecting the corrosion sites, analyzing the reasons of corrosion, suggesting methods of prevention, doing the cost analysis of prevention and losses due ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Platos Apology

Platos Apology Platos  Apology  is one of the most famous and admired texts in world literature.  It offers what many scholars believe is a fairly  reliable account of what the Athenian philosopher Socrates (469 BCE - 399 BCE) said in court on the day that he was tried and condemned to death on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. Although short, it offers an unforgettable  portrait of Socrates, who comes across as smart, ironic, proud, humble, self-assured, and fearless in the face of death.  It offers not just a defense of Socrates the man but also a defense of the philosophical life, which is one reason it has always been popular with philosophers! The text and the title The work was written by Plato  who was present at the trial.  At the time he was 28 years old and a great admirer of Socrates, so the portrait and the speech may be embellished to cast both in a good light.  Even so, some of what Socrates detractors called his arrogance comes through. The  Apology  is most definitely not an apology: the Greek word apologia really means defense. Background: Why was Socrates put on trial? This is a little complicated.  The trial took place in Athens in 399 BCE.  Socrates was not prosecuted by the statethat is, by the city of Athens, but by three individuals, Anytus, Meletus, and Lycon.  He faced two charges: 1) corrupting the youth 2) impiety or irreligion.   But as Socrates himself says, behind his new accusers there are old accusers. Part of what he means is this.  In 404 BCE, just five years earlier, Athens had been defeated by its rival city state Sparta after a long and devastating conflict known ever since as the Peloponnesian War. Although he fought bravely for Athens during the war, Socrates was closely associated with characters like Alcibiades who some blamed for Athens ultimate defeat.   Worse still, for a short time after the war, Athens was ruled by a bloodthirsty and oppressive group put in place by Sparta, the thirty tyrants as they were called.  And Socrates had at one time been friendly with some of them.  When the thirty tyrants were overthrown in 403 BCE and  democracy was restored in Athens, it was agreed that no-one should be prosecuted for things done during the war or during the reign of the tyrants. Because of this general amnesty, the charges against Socrates were left rather vague.  But everyone in court that day would have understood what lay behind them. Socrates formal refutation of the charges against him In the first part of his speech Socrates shows that the charges against him dont make much sense. Meletus in effect claims that Socrates both  believes in no gods and that he believes in false gods.  Anyway, the supposedly impious beliefs he is accused of holdinge.g. that the sun is a stoneare old hat; the philosopher Anaxagoras makes this claim in a book that anyone can buy in the market place.  As for corrupting the youth, Socrates argues that no-one would do this knowingly.  To corrupt someone is to make them a worse person, which would also make them a worse friend to have around. Why would he want to do that? Socrates real defense: a defense of the philosophical life The heart of the Apology  is Socrates account of the way he has lived his life.  He recounts how his friend Chaerephon once asked the Delphic Oracle if anyone was wiser than Socrates.  The Oracle said that no -one was.  On hearing this Socrates claims to have been astounded, since he was acutely aware of his own ignorance.  He set about trying to prove the Oracle wrong by interrogating his fellow Athenians, searching for someone who was genuinely wise.  But he kept coming up against the same problem.  People might be quite expert about some particular thing such as military strategy, or boatbuilding; but they always thought themselves expert on many other things, particularly on deep moral and political questions.  And Socrates, in the course of questioning them, would reveal that on these matters they didnt know what they were talking about. Naturally, this made Socrates unpopular with those whose ignorance he  exposed.  It also gave him the reputation (unjustly, he says) of being a sophist, someone who was good at winning arguments through verbal quibbling.  But he stuck to his mission throughout his life.  He was never interested in making money; not did he enter politics.  He was happy to live in poverty and spend  his time discussing moral and philosophical questions with anyone who was willing to converse with him. Socrates then does something rather unusual. Many men in his position would conclude their speech by appealing to the jurys compassion, pointing out that they have young children, and pleading for mercy.  Socrates does the opposite.  He more or less harangues the jury and everyone else present to reform their lives, to stop caring so much about money, status, and reputation,  and start caring more about the moral quality of heir souls. Far from being guilty of any crime, he argues, he is actually gods gift to the city, for which they should be grateful.  In  a famous image he likens himself to a gadfly that by stinging the neck of a horse keeps it from being sluggish. This is what he does for Athens: he keeps people from becoming intellectually lazy and forces them to be self-critical. The Verdict The jury of 501 Athenian citizens proceed to find Socrates guilty by a vote of 281 to 220.  The system required the prosecution to propose a penalty and the defense to propose an alternative penalty.  Socrates accusers propose death.  They probably expected Socrates to propose exile, and the jury would probably have gone along with this.  But Socrates wont play the game.  His first proposal is that, since hes an asset to the city, he should  receive free meals at the prytaneum, an honor usually given to Olympic athletes.  This outrageous suggestion probably sealed his fate. But Socrates is defiant. He rejects the idea of exile.  He even rejects the idea of staying in Athens and keeping his mouth shut. He cant stop doing philosophy, he says, because the unexamined life is not worth living. Perhaps in response to the urgings of his friends, Socrates eventually proposes a fine, but the damage was done. By a larger margin, the jury voted for the death penalty. Socrates is not surprised by the verdict, nor is he phased by it.  Hes seventy years old and will die soon anyway. Death, he says, is either an endless dreamless sleep, which is nothing to fear, or it leads to an afterlife where, he imagines, he will be able to carry on philosophizing. A few weeks later Socrates died by drinking hemlock, surrounded by his friends.  His last moments are beautifully related by Plato in the  Ã‚  Phaedo.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

MGM Journal Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

MGM Journal - Personal Statement Example In short, if we were to select two MGM tools as indispensible in the field, what would they be? With the ready help of information about a patient, the work of a physician gets much easier. And it does not only apply to a physician, but also to everyone working in the healthcare field. Access to important health information right on time will improve the efficiency and productivity, cutting down the average cost and nevertheless, make for a healthier world. Personal Health Record (PHR) guide is the just the tool for that purpose. The ultimate aim in medical profession is to achieve highest level of patient’s recovery, well being, and safety. Physician Practice Patient Safety Assessment (PPPSA) aims to increase the awareness and knowledge of the physician about the patient’s safety, thus creating a benchmark output for the physician. Better care and safety, lesser liability and better interaction is focused on to achieve higher level of performance and delivery on the part of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The best time to get married Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The best time to get married - Research Paper Example This paper describes the best time to get married and marriage as it is. Before investigating the ideal time of getting married, it is important to investigate the reasons why people marry in the first place. Lamanna, et al, defines marriage as â€Å"an association between a man and woman, which give due legal recognition to the children born to the woman as offspring of both partners†. This definition implies that a heterosexual marriage is a universally socially recognised union, which excludes other unions that do not result to procreation. Marriage comprises of responsibilities and it accords the partners and the resulting children several rights and privileges. In a typical heterosexual relationship, the issue of children plays a critical role in making decisions on when to settle down in a marriage. In single couple relationships where the man and the woman do not have children either adopted or biological from previous relationships, two scenarios could arise regarding children, which determine the time to get married. One scenario is that the couple aspires to get children in the marriage. In such a case, the ability of both of them to biologically sire children of their own comes into question. The biological ability of the woman to conceive is time bound unlike that of the man. Marriage counsellors recommend the couples in relationship to date for a considerable length of time in order to learn about their partners and make informed decision on whether they are ready to cope and live with them in marriage.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Old Testament Essay Example for Free

Old Testament Essay Found in the Old Testament of the Bible, Psalms have a certain mythic quality to them. Originally written as songs, Psalms are often used to present morality tales or to provide an acknowledgment of certain moral concepts. It is believed that Psalms were originally written by King David, although there is way to completely verify the actual authorship. Records indicate, however, that the Psalms are several thousands of years old. This brings forth the important question: how is it that Psalms remain relevant in today’s modern world? The answer is that the themes found in the Psalms are timeless because they are based on a â€Å"common sense† approach to moral living that does not fall out of style as the years pass. Specifically, the songs of the Psalms are designed to address God directly. However, this does not mean that those listening to or singing the Psalms are to ignore their content. Actually, it is the opposite that is true as Psalms are also designed for reflection. In other words, a sort of meditation is intended while singing or listening to songs. Again, while the Psalms are directed towards God, those involved in the worship are intended to realize a transformative experience. How is this achieved? There are a number of ways and in order to understand how it occurs one must look closely at certain passages within the Psalms. Consider Psalm 4. This Psalm speaks to God with the intention of asking God to be forgiving of glory that was not directed towards God. Additionally, the Psalm talks about God putting gladness in one’s heart with the end result being a spiritual re-awakening. Understanding and Analyzing the Psalms 2 Now, there are many potential interpretations to this Psalm. On the surface, it is clear that a warning about materialism is present. Forgiving one’s glory can refer to a person seeking penance for looking for the material things in life. When the person realizes that materialism is not what one should seek in life, the person immediately turns to God. As such, one can infer that this Psalm is a wake up call to those who assume they can find happiness through materialism. When they realize that true happiness comes from an embrace of the spiritual, they develop a complete reversal of their outlook on like. In a way, one could say this shares similarities to the concept of nirvana in Zen Buddhism. Once again, there is certain timelessness to the subtext found within this psalm. After all, materialism and all its troubles have been with us since the dawn of time. To free oneself of materialism is to be free of attachments which put the person in charge of his life as opposed to mitigating factors. As such, the timelessness of this Psalm is understandable. Psalm 17 is quite an interesting Psalm since it is a call for help. Specifically, this Psalm asks God’s help in providing protection from the wicked who may seek to oppress the singer as well as protecting the singer from the problematic wickedness that might exist within the person’s own heart. Ultimately, this Psalm reveals that it is not out of the ordinary for people to feel self-doubt and external pressures. That is, they may not always do the right thing and they may find themselves in danger of falling under the influence of those who may do them harm. God understands this and understands people may need help when dealing Understanding and Analyzing the Psalms 3 with difficult situations. Again, this is a timeless concept that has existed all throughout the ages. The third and last illustrative example from the Psalms is Psalm 23 which is possible the most famous Psalm of all. In this Psalm is the famous passage â€Å"though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me. † Within this Psalm is the crux of the worship of God. That is, no matter how bad things may be, God will always be there for you. While his help may not always be overt or obvious, he will never abandon his children. Ultimately, this is a timeless message of positive beliefs that has allowed the Judeo-Christian religion to maintain followers for thousands of years. What these three Psalms display is the notion that sometimes the worshippers need to profess their beliefs out loud in the form of song as a means of absorbing what is taught. Yes, on the surface, the Psalms appear to speak to God directly but it is a common Judeo-Christian belief that God lives in all of us. As a result, it becomes important to verbally affirm one’s belief so in order to remember why people believe. Whether it is disavowing material gain, dealing with internal or external demons, or remembering that God never abandons us, the Psalms provide a clear message of hope that we sometimes forget. Therein is a very important component of the Psalms: the Psalms prevent us from forgetting the reason for the faith. Of course, the Psalms are open to wide interpretation. However, the timelessness of the Psalms is without question and their purpose for existence is clearly understood.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysis of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Essay -- Wuthering Heigh

Analysis of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights is, in many ways, a novel of juxtaposed pairs: Catherine’s two great loves for Heathcliff and Edgar; the two ancient manors of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange; the two families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons; Heathcliff’s conflicting passions of love and hate. Additionally, the structure of the novel divides the story into two contrasting halves. The first deals with the generation of characters represented by Catherine, Heathcliff, Hindley, Isabella, and Edgar, and the second deals with their children—young Catherine, Linton, and Hareton. Many of the same themes and ideas occur in the second half of the novel as in the first half, but they develop quite differently. While the first half ends on a note of doom and despair with Catherine’s death and Heath-cliff’s gradual descent into evil, the novel as a whole ends on a note of hope, peace, and joy, with young Catherine’s proposed marriage to Hareton Earnshaw. In the first of the chapters in this section, we witness the event that marks the di...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Literacy narrative Essay

Audience: Professor and fellow students of the English 102 course Purpose: To explain how I became literate in my lifetime and what contributed to my literacy level today 1,357 Words Benefits of Being a Bookworm Have you ever been asked, â€Å"What is your first language? † Living in such a melting pot of a country, the United States, minorities often get asked this question. Usually when people ask others this question, it is not because they want to know which language you learned to speak first. People ask this question to see which language the one being questioned is more fluent in. Is it possible that your second language might be the one you are more fluent and literate in? The answer to this question is yes. I am a first-generation immigrant to the United States and proud. My first language (to be politically correct) would be Cape Verdean Portuguese Creole. What I want to ask is why is it important to know what my first-language is when I am more literate and fluent in English? If I can compare my languages to my siblings, I would, due to the fact that I was raised with both of them equally during the course of my life. I learned Creole at home with my parents ad family, but I owe my literacy I English to school, and the love I had for reading. Practice makes perfect. A person’s literacy level is completely based on practice. Schools aim to train students to be literate and educated, but those students who practice at home (outside of the regulations of school) are the true scholars. Let’s look at Malcolm X, for example; a man who had formal schooling up until the eighth grade and nothing after that. Yet, even though Malcolm X had less schooling than all of us college students here at UMASS Dartmouth, he is probably, in my opinion, more literate and more educated than most of us. Interesting isn’t it? The reason why Malcolm X was so educated is because he read every day, non-stop, in his jail cell, with no distractions. He kept a dictionary by his side to teach himself any new words he would come across that he was unfamiliar with. What better way is there to familiarize yourself with a language and expand your vocabulary other than reading written works by other people that most likely know things you don’t know and have a different vocabulary than you? By reading you learn new diction, new facts, and cause your brain to grow in knowledge. I can say that aside from school, reading, like Malcolm X, expanded my literacy skills. As I had said before, I am a first generation immigrant; my parents also are first generation immigrants. I never had the luxury of being taught English by my parents, being read to by my parents, or getting help with my homework or anything academic at all except for math, of course, which doesn’t vary between countries that speak different languages. But even with this being said, I had always been at the top of my class in elementary school, done very well in middle school, and done well enough in high school to have the pleasure of being offered the opportunity to be in an Advanced Placement English class. I was a nerd in my early years. I used to enjoy reading very much. I would always ask my father to take me to the library, where I would check out many books and go through them like a bullet. During class time, when the teacher would be finished or took a break and there was nothing else to be done, I loved reading; I looked forward to silent reading time in class. When I had a 100-page book, I would tend to finish it within a day. Longer books such as the Harry Potter series would be finished within a few days. I never had a problem with reading assignments because I would finish them so quickly and understand everything I read. I had an eighth-grade reading level in elementary school while I would watch other students struggle while reading aloud as they stumbled on their words and wouldn’t know how to properly pronounce them. I never understood why it was so easy for me while other students would find it difficult. As a child I read all the Harry Potter books; they were my favorite. I also enjoyed other series such as Curious George, The Babysitter’s Club, and Judy Blume. I also read plenty of other books that I cannot remember because the list was so long. I believe that there is a strong relationship between reading and writing. Someone who is an excellent reader and comprehends what he/she reads should have a big vocabulary and a sense of how real, professional writers perform. Every book, magazine, and newspaper we read or look at is composed of articles and passages written by professional writers. If you have a lot of experience with all this, then you should know what a professional piece of work looks like and sounds like. Therefore, I feel like someone who reads a lot will be a good writer as well. The two things are connected, and it helps to write when you are a skilled reader and vice versa. Books are the perfect model for those who want to become more skilled as writers. After all, that is exactly what Malcolm X did, and he became very skilled. It takes a very skilled writer to produce the best books out there. If one does not know how to read and cannot understand words on a page, then how is it that they can know how to write the words down on their own pages. Similarly, if you are deaf, how can you learn to speak properly? Hearing words and their pronunciation is the model for the deaf to learn how to speak; and if they are missing their model or example, it can be almost impossible to learn naturally, on their own. I feel that reading and writing are the most important elements of school and learning. Books, articles, research papers, whether they are non-fiction or fiction, all serve a very important purpose. Whether you are reading for pleasure to expand your imagination and reduce your stress, reading to attain information on a specific topic or just to expand your knowledge, or reading to practice and become more literate and a better writer, you are never at a loss. Therefore, writing becomes very important because, if it wasn’t for writing, there would be nothing out there for us to read in the first place. Reading is not for the lazy. I used to love reading as a kid and found it so interesting, but as I grew into my teenage years and became more interested in action, reality and drama, I distanced myself from all the reading and became more of an extrovert. The occasional newspaper article or magazine article is still entertaining to me though. Even now, as a college student, you will never find me reading anything unless it is required for me to achieve the grades I desire; never do I read for pleasure. I feel that I achieved a high reading level way back in my middle school days, and that has influenced me to think that the only thing now that can improve my writing is to keep writing. I feel that I have acquired a great deal of knowledge throughout my lifetime and I did a lot of this myself through all my readings. Nobody pushed me to read during my spare time. My parents weren’t very literate in the English language to be role models for me or to help me read or even read to me. All the instructions I have read, all the words I learned how to pronounce, I did it on my own through reading. As a matter of fact, I don’t even remember seeing my father ever read a book, and my mom didn’t start reading until after she went back to school to get her college degree. Literacy is all about exploring the world of words, and pages, reading, and writing. In order for one to achieve great literacy, one will need to push and challenge himself/herself to read more and understand the readings.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mark Twain Short Stories Essay Essay

Mark Twain has composed a myriad of short stories over a long period of time. Twain writes with the passion to charm and amuse the reader. Every single sentence he writes makes one want to keep reading on to see what happens next. His stories also offer a comment on human nature and Twain often questions conventional wisdom. Just because someone’s life did not attach to with what many people see normal, Twain seems to be asking if that makes them lucky when they don’t fail. He responds to that question and challenges the reader to think twice in his short stories. Mark Twain’s stories seem to never be lacking hilariousness. In Luck, for example, he brings out the subject, Lieutenant-General Lord Arthur Scoresby, as a dignified and decorated soldier but then makes a quick turn by quoting the town Reverend saying, â€Å"Privately – he’s an absolute fool† (Twain 265). This blunt change allows Twain the chance to recount the tale told by the Reverend concerning Scoresby’s many failures in battle. Additionally, he sets up the reader in The Story of the Bad Little Boy by painting a dreary picture as to what could happen to the main character. Twain then excitedly breaks the ice with an amusing reveal of what actually happened. Twain writes, â€Å"Is it right to disobey my mother? Isn’t it sinful to do this? Where do bad little boys go who gobble up their good kind mother’s jam?† and then he didn’t kneel down all alone and promise to never to be wicked any more, no that is the way with all other bad boys in the books†¦ He ate that jam, and said it was bully; and he put in the tar, and said that was bully, also, and laughed, and observed that the old woman would get up and snort† (11). This process of creating a sullen circumstance and then flamboyantly reversing course is depicted in most of Twain’s stories and was used to have a great effect. Mark Twain used humor to thrill the reader, which he did effectively and consistently, but he also used it make a clear point. The most frequent point he was trying to make was that society is too uptight. In The Story of the Bad Little Boy, he underlines a wide range of â€Å"bad† things that the main character does but wraps it up that it had little bearing on him when he became a man. Twain writes, â€Å"And he grew up and married, and raised a large family, and brained them all with an ax one night, and got wealthy by all manner of cheating and rascality; and now he is the infernalest wickedest  scoundrel in his native village, and is universally respected, and belongs to the legislature† (13). This was Twain’s way of getting at the notion that a naughty child will always be a bad person. He does this again in Science vs. Luck in which he pokes fun at the over-the-top laws against gambling and games of chance. Twain does this through the main character, a nifty attorney, who argues that the game of seven-up is actually a game of science rather than chance so should not be considered gambling. Twain writes, â€Å"We, the jury in the case do hereby unanimously decide that the game commonly known as old sledge or seven-up is eminently a game of science and not chance†¦ In demonstration where of it is hereby and herein stated, iterated, reiterated, set forth and made manifest that, during the entire night, the â€Å"chance† men never won a game† (73). By using humor to sink in the message, Twain was able to poke fun at the conservative folks that ruled his day, and ours. Conservative thinking includes the presumption that people who succeed while acting in an unconventional manner must be lucky. Twain also poked fun at that thinking as well. The hero in Luck, Lieutenant-General Lord Arthur Scoresby, was privately thought to be a fool and the luckiest man on earth to survive in the military for decades. Twain then brings up nearly a dozen events in which Scoresby went against conventional wisdom and managed to live, leaving the reader to wonder the question, â€Å"Was it really luck or was Scoresby just good at what he did?† He also attains a familiar and similar goal in The Story of the Bad Little Boy in which the main character survives many near-fatal events to become a pillar of society. Twain seems to ask, â€Å"Was the boy really lucky to survive his childhood or was society too uptight?† Finally, in Science vs. Luck, Twain points out that games of â€Å"chance† are nothing more than complicated science or math problems. Once again, Twain intrigues the reader to consider whether the conservative view is the one and only view. Mark Twain wrote short stories with strong intent. He had a critical yet comical perspective that allowed him to see the humor in serious matters. Twain wrote about them in a way that was entertaining while also serving to share his perspective on his literature. For those readers who took themselves too seriously, they probably only saw the humor part. To those who chose to read between the lines laughed, but also probably stopped to reflect on the message. In his unique way, Mark Twain may have changed the course of human nature and society with his writings. Works Cited Twain, Mark. The Complete Short Stories. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. Print.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Walt Whitman Comparison Research Paper Example

Walt Whitman Comparison Research Paper Example Walt Whitman Comparison Paper Walt Whitman Comparison Paper he tells the audience that he sees things that most people dont see every day, and Isnt afraid to say what he thinks about some things. Like when he takes In the runaway slave, he Is not afraid of the slave, and Is willing to protect him from any potential danger. In Whitman poems, he talks to us about things that happen daily, but no one really notices the beauty or meaning of the actions. In the poem Song of myself #52, he compares himself to nature, and how much people have changed and separated themselves from the real things in life. He talks to the spotted hawk as if he is acquainted with him, and he lies in the grass as if he is a part of it, and is sinking into it, but no one notices how important the grass or the earth (soil) is. He feels isolated by the world around him, and maybe feels that nature is more amazing that people make It because It does not Judge you for what you do or think, but rather leaves you alone In perfect harmony. Since the rest of the world Is so chaotic, It seems that he would much rather do something Like sit In the grass and think about nothing for a while. In the poem A sight In Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim, Whitman depicts a war scene, and what things he sees. He seems to be an innocent bystander, wondering who these people are, what theyve done to come here, why they did so, and if there is any faith in the world anymore. The theme in this poem seemed to be religion, because when he asks the (living or dead) people who they are, and relates them to religious figures. He wonders if they are people sent from God to show the world what they have become, and that things are supposed to change. The theme in Whitman poems is that people need to become less fretful and see he beauty in things that they normally think are useless; that there is a deeper meaning to life and that people need to stop Judging. He makes the audience feel as If we need to find a better way through life. He has been an outcast to society by writing poems In his style, that dont necessarily have a rhythm or a rhyme, but rather a different and deeper meaning to life. Walt Whitman Comparison By Jordanians most people dont see every day, and isnt afraid to say what he thinks about some things. Like when he takes in the runaway slave, he is not afraid of the slave, and is tauter is more amazing that people make it because it does not Judge you for what you do or think, but rather leaves you alone in perfect harmony. Since the rest of the world is so chaotic, it seems that he would much rather do something like sit in the In the poem A sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim, Whitman depicts a wondering who these people are, what theyve done to come here, why they did so, if we need to find a better way through life. He has been an outcast to society by writing poems in his style, that dont necessarily have a rhythm or a rhyme, but rather

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hacer Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples

Hacer Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples One of the most common verbs in Spanish, hacer, which means to make or to do, is highly irregular. This article demonstrates hacer conjugations in the present, past and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. When conjugating hacer, the a in the stem sometimes changes to e or i, and the c sometimes changes to z or g. The only other verbs that follow the same conjugation pattern are those derived from it, such as contrahacer (to copy or to counterfeit), deshacer (to unmake or undo), and rehacer (to remake or redo). Using the Verb Hacer The verb hacer generally means to do or to make, but it can also be part of other useful expressions. For example, it can mean ago, as in duration of time. Hence, the phrase hace 10 aà ±os means ten years ago, and hace cinco minutos means five minutes ago. The verb hacer is also used to talk about the weather. For example, hace frà ­o means it is cold. You can make the same construction with hace calor, hace viento, hace fresco, etc. (it is hot, windy, cool, etc.). Hacer Present Indicative In the present indicative tense, the only irregular conjugation of hacer is the first person singular (yo). Yo hago I make Yo hago la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º haces You make Tà º haces la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella hace You/he/she makes Ella hace artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros hacemos We make Nosotros hacemos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros hacà ©is You make Vosotros hacà ©is las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas hacen You/they make Ellos hacen la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Preterite Indicative Notice that in the preterite tense, the a in the stem of hacer changes to an i. These are all irregular forms. Yo hice I made Yo hice la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º hiciste You made Tà º hiciste la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella hizo You/he/she made Ella hizo artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros hicimos We made Nosotros hicimos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros hicisteis You made Vosotros hicisteis las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas hicieron You/they made Ellos hicieron la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is conjugated regularly, using the stem hac plus the imperfect ending for -er verbs (à ­a, à ­as, à ­a, à ­amos, à ­ais, à ­an). Remember that the imperfect can be translated as was making or used to make. Yo hacà ­a I used to make Yo hacà ­a la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º hacà ­as You used to make Tà º hacà ­as la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella hacà ­a You/he/she used to make Ella hacà ­a artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros hacà ­amos We used to make Nosotros hacà ­amos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros hacà ­ais You used to make Vosotros hacà ­ais las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas hacà ­an You/they used to make Ellos hacà ­an la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Future Indicative The verb hacer is irregular in the future tense. Its conjugation starts with the form har-. Yo harà © I will make Yo harà © la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º hars Youwill make Tà º harsla comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella har You/he/shewill make Ella har artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros haremos Wewill make Nosotros haremos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros harà ©is Youwill make Vosotros harà ©is las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas harn You/theywill make Ellos harn la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer PeriphrasticFuture Indicative The periphrastic future is formed using the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive hacer. Yo voy a hacer I am going to make Yo voy a hacer la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º vasa hacer You aregoing to make Tà º vasa hacer la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa hacer You/he/shegoing to make Ella vaa hacer artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros vamosa hacer We aregoing to make Nosotros vamos a hacer ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros vaisa hacer You aregoing to make Vosotros vaisa hacer las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana hacer You/they aregoing to make Ellos vana hacer la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Present Progressive/Gerund Form The equivalent of the English -ing form, gerund or present participle, is the -ando or -iendo form in Spanish. The gerund for hacer is formed regularly, using the ending -iendo. Present Progressive of Hacer est haciendo She is making Ella est haciendo artesanà ­as hermosas. Hacer Past Participle The past participle for hacer is irregular: hecho. One of the main uses of the past participle is to form compound tenses such as the present perfect. Present Perfect of Hacer ha hecho She has made Ella ha hecho artesanà ­as hermosas. Hacer Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is used to talk about possibilities, and is translated to English as would verb. For example,  ¿Quà © harà ­as por tus hijos? (What would you do for your children?). In the conditional indicative, the verb hacer is irregular and uses the stem har-. Yo harà ­a I would make Yo harà ­a la tarea todos los dà ­as si tuviera tiempo. Tà º harà ­as Youwould make Tà º harà ­as la comida para la familia si supieras cocinar. Usted/à ©l/ella harà ­a You/he/shewould make Ella harà ­a artesanà ­as hermosas si pudiera. Nosotros harà ­amos Wewould make Nosotros harà ­amos ejercicio en el gimnasio, pero es muy caro. Vosotros harà ­ais Youwould make Vosotros harà ­ais las compras en la tienda, pero es ms fcil por Internet. Ustedes/ellos/ellas harà ­an You/theywould make Ellos harà ­an la cama todos los dà ­as, pero se les olvida. Hacer Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is used to talk about doubts, desires, emotions, recommendations, or other subjective situations. Que yo haga That I make La maestra pide que yo haga la tarea todos los dà ­as. Que tà º hagas That you make Tu hijo quiere que tà º hagas la comida para la familia. Que usted/à ©l/ella haga That you/he/she make El vendedor requiere que ella haga artesanà ­as hermosas. Que nosotros hagamos That we make El mà ©dico sugiere que nosotros hagamos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Que vosotros hagis That you make El cocinero sugiere que vosotros hagis las compras en la tienda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas hagan That you/they make La abuela espera que ellos hagan la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive is used in similar situations as the present subjunctive, but in the past. There are two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive. Option 1 Que yo hiciera That I made La maestra pedà ­a que yo hiciera la tarea todos los dà ­as. Que tà º hicieras That you made Tu hijo querà ­a que tà º hicieras la comida para la familia. Que usted/à ©l/ella hiciera That you/he/she made El vendedor requerà ­a que ella hiciera artesanà ­as hermosas. Que nosotros hicià ©ramos That we made El mà ©dico sugirià ³ que nosotros hicià ©ramos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Que vosotros hicierais That you made El cocinero sugirià ³ que vosotros hicierais las compras en la tienda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas hicieran That you/they made La abuela esperaba que ellos hicieran la cama todos los dà ­as. Option 2 Que yo hiciese That I made La maestra pedà ­a que yo hiciese la tarea todos los dà ­as. Que tà º hicieses That you made Tu hijo querà ­a que tà º hicieses la comida para la familia. Que usted/à ©l/ella hiciese That you/he/she made El vendedor requerà ­a que ella hiciese artesanà ­as hermosas. Que nosotros hicià ©semos That we made El mà ©dico sugirià ³ que nosotros hicià ©semos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Que vosotros hicieseis That you made El cocinero sugirià ³ que vosotros hicieseis las compras en la tienda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas hiciesen That you/they made La abuela esperaba que ellos hiciesen la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Imperative The imperative mood is used to give direct commands. There are both positive and negative commands. Notice that the second person singular command haz is irregular. Positive Commands Tà º haz Make!  ¡Haz la comida para la familia! Usted haga Make!  ¡Haga artesanà ­as hermosas! Nosotros hagamos Let's make!  ¡Hagamos ejercicio en el gimnasio! Vosotros haced Make!  ¡Haced las compras en la tienda! Ustedes hagan Make!  ¡Hagan la cama todos los dà ­as! Negative Commands Tà º no hagas Don't make!  ¡No hagas la comida para la familia! Usted no haga Don't make!  ¡No haga artesanà ­as hermosas! Nosotros no hagamos Let's not make!  ¡No hagamos ejercicio en el gimnasio! Vosotros no hagis Don't make!  ¡No hagis las compras en la tienda! Ustedes no hagan Don't make!  ¡No hagan la cama todos los dà ­as!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Decision Making at General Motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Decision Making at General Motors - Essay Example It also acquired poor performing automobile companies like Cadillac, Pontiac, and GMC. The GM extended its acquisition process to Europe where it successfully acquired the Opel (Germany), Holden (Austraila), and Vauxhall (England). The primary reason behind these mergers and acquisitions was to gain market dominance and wage off completion. To markets their car brands, the GM heavily invested in marketing by decentralizing its operations, with each of its founders heading different divisions within the company (Kettering 56). The introducing of price differentiation marketing policy by Sloan marked another milestone for the GM. The pricing policy has taken into account the differences in income of potential customers, thereby ensuring that irrespective of their income levels, clients could afford to buy the GM car brands. Sloan was also responsible for the institutionalization and coordination of proper decentralization systems of the company structure. This move proved effective in ensuring the GM’s central administration body had firm control over its divisional operations, but emphasizing on divisions’ operational independence in line with the goals of the company (Barrar and Roxane 41). The divisions further got divided into sub-groups headed by executives, who are answerable to the GM’s management committee and the CEO. The company also set up policy groups charged with the responsibility of formulating and setting required standards for the GM’s day-to-day managerial oper ations. It is these strategies that made the company very successful. Some of the major challenges in managing multinational and multicultural organizations like the GM entail differences in national orientations and cultural values. For instance, some processes such as manufacturing, engineering, design, human resource, among others were naturally domestic-oriented, therefore varied across the world.Â